Burnley BID’s renewal for a second BID term from 2025-2030 will be decided by ballot in February 2025, when the businesses and organisations will have the opportunity to vote for a successor BID.

The Burnley BID 2 draft business plan is the result of consultations with businesses and organisations in Burnley earlier this year.  The feedback from those consultations has identified a range of issues and opportunities that the BID would deliver through three themes as follows:

  • Theme One – A safe, attractive and vibrant Burnley
  • Theme Two – Destination Burnley
  • Theme Three – Doing business in Burnley

To help inform this decision, we have drafted a BID 2 business plan outlining how we will continue to support businesses and organisations over an additional five-year term.

In this draft business plan we represent the interests of all BID levy payers and those in the proposed geographical area. We are taking feedback so please read on and provide your feedback via the link.

Burnley BID is managed by Groundwork CLM. Groundwork CLM are a not-for profit registered charity and limited company.