Burnley Town Centre News Crime and Security Guidance

Sep 16, 2019

The Burnley BID steering group recently met with Angela Harrison, the Director for the Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) who updated the BID team on the work of the PCC’s  Business Crime Coordinator Michael Grime.

Michael has since visited Burnley town centre and has now supplied the  guidance and information below from Lancashire Police with regards to a range of business crime issues including retail crime, managing violence and abuse and lone working.

The guidance includes:

  1. A guide for retailers: reducing shoplifters
  2. Managing violence and abuse in convenience stores
  3.  A safety guide to lone working
  4. A business crime 7 minute briefing
  5. Preventing fuel theft

More information can also be found by visiting the Police website here : https://www.lancashire.police.uk/help-advice/keeping-your-business-safe/how-we-deal-with-business-crime/

Lancashire Police are  regularly writing more guidance and once complete, these shall be added to the website via the link above.  They are also putting the final touches to a crime prevention conference which shall be run before Christmas (more details to follow).

To contact Michael direct please use the details below:

Michael Grime 11276

Business Crime Coordinator

HQ – Corporate Development

Lancashire Constabulary Headquarters, Saunders Lane, Hutton, Preston, PR4 5TJ

E-mail: [email protected]

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