Public Space Protection Order Renewal in Burnley Town Centre
In July the information below about the town centre Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) was sent out to companies registered with the Burnley BID. Only a limited response has been received by the...
Consultation on a Draft Plan for a Business Improvement District in Burnley Town Centre CLOSES FRIDAY 12TH JULY
The draft plan for a Business Improvement District in Burnley town centre has been out for consultation since Monday 24th June and you have until the 12th July to respond. The plan can be viewed by...
BID Steering Group takes off in April
A new group of businesses from across Burnley town centre has been formed to drive forward the development of the Burnley town centre BID project. All key sectors are represented including retail,...

Burnley BID is managed by Groundwork CLM. Groundwork CLM are a not-for profit
registered charity and limited company